Longs Ltd. has established the following privacy policy regarding the handling of users’ personal information in the services provided on this website.

1.Definition of Personal Information
「Personal information」means information about a living individual that can be used to identify a specific individual by name,date of birth, or other description, etc., contained in the information, or information that can be easily matched with other information and thereby identify a specific individual.
2.Collection of Personal Information
・We may collect your personal information when you purchase a product or make an inquiry.
・We will collect such information in a lawful and fair manner.
・The personal information we collect is as follows.
 a) Your name and furigana
 b) Your address
 c) Phone number
 d) Email address
 e) Password
 f) Shipping information
 g) Transaction history and details of transactions with our store
 h) Information that can be used to identify a specific individual by combining the above
3.Use of personal information
・We use the personal information we receive from our customers for the following purposes.
 a) Order confirmations and inquiries.
 b) Confirmation of shipment.
 c) Reply to inquiries.

・We will not disclose or provide personal information to third parties without your permission except in the following cases.
 a) When required by law, or when it is necessary to cooperate with national or local government agencies or their agents in the performance of their duties as required by law.
 b) When it is necessary to protect the life, body, or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual.
 c) When exchanging personal data with an affiliate of the company that operates the Shop.

4.Security control of personal information
The service provider will take reasonable, organizational, physical, personnel, and technical measures to ensure the security of personal information received from customers, and  the Shop will take appropriate measures to prevent    unauthorized access to personal data and the loss, alteration, or leakage of personal information in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
5.Correction and deletion of personal information
・If you wish to correct or delete your personal information,
・If you are a registered user, you can correct your personal information from the「My Account」menu on this site.
6.Use of cookies
・We may use cookies to provide better service to our customers, but this does not allow us to collect personally identifiable information and does not violate the privacy of our customers. customers.
・If you do not wish to accept cookies, you can change your browser settings.
 ※A cookie is a piece of information that is sent to your browser from a server computer and stored on the hard disk of the computer you are using.
7.Access Analysis Tools
・This site uses Google Analytics, an access analysis tool provided by Google.
・This Google Analytics uses cookies to collect traffic data. ・This traffic data is collected anonymously and does not personally identify you.
・This feature can be disabled by disabling cookies, so please check your browser settings.
・For more information about this agreement, please see the Google Analytics Terms of Use.
8.Use of SSL
For security purposes, SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) technology is used when entering personal information
to prevent such information from being intercepted, intercepted, or altered.
※SSL is a function that encrypts information to prevent eavesdropping and data tampering during transmission and reception.
※SSL enables you to transmit information more securely.
9.Contact information for inquiries
Inquiry Form
10.Changes to our privacy policy
If we change the personal information we collect, change the purpose of use, or make any other changes to our privacy policy, we will make these changes publicly available by posting the changes on this page.